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    Avid Tips How Do I Activate Ac3 With Media Composer 8.0 And Avid Application Manager

    15 Февраль 2018
    Лучшие ответы
    How do I activate AC3 using Avid Application Manager?
    Here is a guide on how to activate Dolby AC3 with Media Composer 8.0, and higher using Avid Application Manager

    You don't activate the Dolby AC3 until you need it.
    When you AMA link to AVCHD media for the first time the editor will start to ask about licensing.

    In the Editor AMA link to an AVCHD folder, or individual MTS/M2T files. (See below)


    When you do this for the first time, and AC3 isn't activated, then the editor will activate the AC3 automatically over the internet connection.

    However if you don't have an active internet connection you will be presented with a license activation request (picture below)

    Click Launch Avid Application Manager


    Avid Application Manager will open. Click Copy to clipboard in the lower right corner..


    Paste the text into Notepad, then save it so you can transfer the text file to a computer connected to internet.
    The numbers you need are highlighted with Yellow (see screenshot below)


    On the machine with internet connection:
    Open a browser and go to: http://www.avid.com/activate
    Click Continue under "Activate Optional Features" (see below) to Activate Dolby AC3


    Paste the System ID, Device ID, and your email address, then check the AC3 tick-box.
    Click Submit


    Download the updater.bin (It will have another file-name)


    After you downloaded the updater.bin transfer the file to the editor that needs the activation.

    In Avid Application Manager, click Browse (Next to the Dolby AC3 Activation), then select the updater.bin
    Select the updater.bin, click OK, then Click Activate


    Your Dolby AC3 is now Activated.
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