Program Name: Avid Media Composer 2018.3
Program Type: Vdeo Editing
Release Date: March 13, 2018
Interface Language: Multilingual
Platform: Win & Mac

Where are the Media Composer documents for the 2018 releases?
Avid Media Composer v2018.3 What's New
Avid Media Composer v2018.3 ReadMe
New in Media Composer v2018.3
The following are new with this release:
Media Composer Splash Screen On Primary Monitor
In previous releases, the Media Composer splash screen would appear on whichever monitor had mouse control. With this release of the editing application, when you are working with dual monitors, the Media Composer splash screen will open on the primary monitor. This might be useful if you want to work in another application while Media Composer launches. Move your other application window to the second monitor so that you can see the Media Composer splash screen on the primary monitor as it opens
Progress Bars On Primary Monitor
In previous releases, progress bars would appear on which ever monitor had mouse control. With this release of the editing application, when you are working with dual monitors, progress bars will open on the primary monitor. This is helpful if you want to arrange your workspace to make sure that progress bars are not hidden behind windows you are currently working with.
Selecting Tracks in the Capture Tool and Digital Cut Tool
You can use Shift + drag to select/deselect tracks in the Capture Tool and in the Digital Cut Tool.
Qualified Operating Systems: For information on qualified operating systems, see Qualified Hardware and Operating Systems.
Dongle Info (Mac Only): The Dongle Sentinel driver installer is no longer automatically installed when you install the editing application. The driver is now located in the
Avid_Utilities folder (/Applications/Utilities/Avid_Utilities/Sentinel_Driver). If you have a dongle, manually install the driver from this location.
Fixed in Media Composer v2018.3
The following have been fixed:
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2218. When working with the Subcap effect, the Arial Bold font characters looked different between Media Composer v8.5.3 and v8.9.4.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2270. In-progress AVC-Intra clips were not updating properly in the editing application. For example, the Capture in Progress slide would appear in media that was known to be valid..
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2291. Significant WIFI speed dropped when Media Composer and/or Application Manager were running.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2298. If you installed the third party Ross Video plug-in, it might not have been available in the Project Window Effect category list.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2267. In some instances, enabling MultiCam was twice as slow than in previous releases.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2266. In some instances, it took twice as long to load a sequence than in previous releases.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2300. Match Frame was not working properly for audio on a group clip.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2286. When working with 50p projects, the two-frame safety did not work when playing, pausing or performing an insert or overwrite edit.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2216. In some instances, an AS-02 bundle export resulted in a blank volume bin and an “invalid bundle” message in Console Window.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2097. Linking an MXF clip created from Resolve might have resulted in an “Exception: Cannot create the AMA sample mapper to play this clip” error.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2021. If you were a non-administrator, when switching inputs on the Avid Artist DNxIO in the Video Desktop software, you would be prompted to enter an administrator password.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-8884. (HP Z8 system) Previously, if you were working on an HP Z8 system with no connection to the serial port, Media Composer might hang during launch or when you selected a project. With this release, you might see a Timeout message that you can click OK and continue successfully.If the problem persists, you can either connect a device to the serial port, or disable the COM1 port in the Device Manager.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2253. In some instances, closing the Marker edit pane and pressing Play resulted in a Breakpad window and a “Structured Exception” error.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2294. When exporting DNxHR OP1a MXF, Start TC was shifted two frames on 59.94p Drop Frame timecode.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2238. In some instances, when performing an Audio only capture, with “Enable edit to timeline” option selected in the Capture Settings, the editing application would crash.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2186. The Avid Artist DNxIO settings window did not open from the Media Composer Tools > Hardware menu item or from the Hardware (gears) icon in the Capture Tool.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2230. Thin raster presets have been included in the New Project window.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2232. Exporting to XDCAM resulted in an “Exception” error if the sequence included a data track.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2287. Saving the Composer windows size in a workspace was not retained when switching from Color Correction workspace to Source / Record workspace.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2277. If you selected a Start TC or End TC column, you might have received an “Are you sure you want to change the starting Timecode” message even if you did not change the timecode.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2289. (List Tool) The Save As location defaulted to the Avid Users directory even if the previous Save As was changed to a new location.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2296. With this release, if you are exporting markers as text and if at least one of the marker comments contains a tab or return, you will now be prompted with the option to replace the tabs and returns with a single space.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-9011. Intermittently, when working with the XDCAM Nablet Plug-in, you might see “Failed to get the sample position from the AMA Plug-in” errors if you have waveforms enabled in the Timeline.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-8037. If you start a Long GOP capture on an AirSpeed system with a data track and without specifying a duration (a “crash record”), send to playback from Assist or Media Composer of a sequence using this in-progress clip might fail with the status of Canceled when TMF export should begin.
Workaround: Specify a duration for the capture, turn off ancillary data for the capture, or use the STP Encode service.
➤ Bug Number: COGS-2560. While working in the Script Window, text operations (cut/copy/paste/delete/editing) can only be done in edit mode. See “Editing a Script” in the Help.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-5650. When working with Panasonic LongG media, you might receive an “SFPlayConsumer Timeout” error if audio waveforms are enabled.
Workaround: Turn off audio waveforms.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-5385. Multicam editing with Panasonic LongG media is not supported with this release.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-5384. Currently, when working with LongG media, you might see dropped frames when editing 4 streams. This might occur when playing from a single stream to multiple streams (and from multiple streams back to a single stream). The dropped frames usually display around the edit point (transition to a different stream).
Windows Media Composer 2018.3 Download:
Mac Media Composer 2018.3 Download:
Program Type: Vdeo Editing
Release Date: March 13, 2018
Interface Language: Multilingual
Platform: Win & Mac

Where are the Media Composer documents for the 2018 releases?
Avid Media Composer v2018.3 What's New
Avid Media Composer v2018.3 ReadMe
New in Media Composer v2018.3
The following are new with this release:
Media Composer Splash Screen On Primary Monitor
In previous releases, the Media Composer splash screen would appear on whichever monitor had mouse control. With this release of the editing application, when you are working with dual monitors, the Media Composer splash screen will open on the primary monitor. This might be useful if you want to work in another application while Media Composer launches. Move your other application window to the second monitor so that you can see the Media Composer splash screen on the primary monitor as it opens
Progress Bars On Primary Monitor
In previous releases, progress bars would appear on which ever monitor had mouse control. With this release of the editing application, when you are working with dual monitors, progress bars will open on the primary monitor. This is helpful if you want to arrange your workspace to make sure that progress bars are not hidden behind windows you are currently working with.
Selecting Tracks in the Capture Tool and Digital Cut Tool
You can use Shift + drag to select/deselect tracks in the Capture Tool and in the Digital Cut Tool.
Qualified Operating Systems: For information on qualified operating systems, see Qualified Hardware and Operating Systems.
Dongle Info (Mac Only): The Dongle Sentinel driver installer is no longer automatically installed when you install the editing application. The driver is now located in the
Avid_Utilities folder (/Applications/Utilities/Avid_Utilities/Sentinel_Driver). If you have a dongle, manually install the driver from this location.
Fixed in Media Composer v2018.3
The following have been fixed:
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2218. When working with the Subcap effect, the Arial Bold font characters looked different between Media Composer v8.5.3 and v8.9.4.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2270. In-progress AVC-Intra clips were not updating properly in the editing application. For example, the Capture in Progress slide would appear in media that was known to be valid..
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2291. Significant WIFI speed dropped when Media Composer and/or Application Manager were running.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2298. If you installed the third party Ross Video plug-in, it might not have been available in the Project Window Effect category list.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2267. In some instances, enabling MultiCam was twice as slow than in previous releases.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2266. In some instances, it took twice as long to load a sequence than in previous releases.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2300. Match Frame was not working properly for audio on a group clip.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2286. When working with 50p projects, the two-frame safety did not work when playing, pausing or performing an insert or overwrite edit.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2216. In some instances, an AS-02 bundle export resulted in a blank volume bin and an “invalid bundle” message in Console Window.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2097. Linking an MXF clip created from Resolve might have resulted in an “Exception: Cannot create the AMA sample mapper to play this clip” error.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2021. If you were a non-administrator, when switching inputs on the Avid Artist DNxIO in the Video Desktop software, you would be prompted to enter an administrator password.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-8884. (HP Z8 system) Previously, if you were working on an HP Z8 system with no connection to the serial port, Media Composer might hang during launch or when you selected a project. With this release, you might see a Timeout message that you can click OK and continue successfully.If the problem persists, you can either connect a device to the serial port, or disable the COM1 port in the Device Manager.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2253. In some instances, closing the Marker edit pane and pressing Play resulted in a Breakpad window and a “Structured Exception” error.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2294. When exporting DNxHR OP1a MXF, Start TC was shifted two frames on 59.94p Drop Frame timecode.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2238. In some instances, when performing an Audio only capture, with “Enable edit to timeline” option selected in the Capture Settings, the editing application would crash.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2186. The Avid Artist DNxIO settings window did not open from the Media Composer Tools > Hardware menu item or from the Hardware (gears) icon in the Capture Tool.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2230. Thin raster presets have been included in the New Project window.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2232. Exporting to XDCAM resulted in an “Exception” error if the sequence included a data track.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2287. Saving the Composer windows size in a workspace was not retained when switching from Color Correction workspace to Source / Record workspace.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2277. If you selected a Start TC or End TC column, you might have received an “Are you sure you want to change the starting Timecode” message even if you did not change the timecode.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2289. (List Tool) The Save As location defaulted to the Avid Users directory even if the previous Save As was changed to a new location.
➤ Bug Number: MCCET-2296. With this release, if you are exporting markers as text and if at least one of the marker comments contains a tab or return, you will now be prompted with the option to replace the tabs and returns with a single space.

➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-9011. Intermittently, when working with the XDCAM Nablet Plug-in, you might see “Failed to get the sample position from the AMA Plug-in” errors if you have waveforms enabled in the Timeline.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-8037. If you start a Long GOP capture on an AirSpeed system with a data track and without specifying a duration (a “crash record”), send to playback from Assist or Media Composer of a sequence using this in-progress clip might fail with the status of Canceled when TMF export should begin.
Workaround: Specify a duration for the capture, turn off ancillary data for the capture, or use the STP Encode service.
➤ Bug Number: COGS-2560. While working in the Script Window, text operations (cut/copy/paste/delete/editing) can only be done in edit mode. See “Editing a Script” in the Help.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-5650. When working with Panasonic LongG media, you might receive an “SFPlayConsumer Timeout” error if audio waveforms are enabled.
Workaround: Turn off audio waveforms.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-5385. Multicam editing with Panasonic LongG media is not supported with this release.
➤ Bug Number: MCDEV-5384. Currently, when working with LongG media, you might see dropped frames when editing 4 streams. This might occur when playing from a single stream to multiple streams (and from multiple streams back to a single stream). The dropped frames usually display around the edit point (transition to a different stream).
Windows Media Composer 2018.3 Download:
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Mac Media Composer 2018.3 Download:
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